Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Taco Tuesday is a Real Thing!

Hola Hermanos y Hermanas!
For my friends who have served a mission, is Chair Soccer a thing other places or just here? It's basically a bunch of missionaries kicking a soccer ball in a gym while trying to guard their fold up chairs and hit other peoples. It's kinda fun. It's funny when the ball gets stuck in the ceiling!
Taco Tuesday is a real thing my friends! Taco Trucks and restaurants have sales every Tuesday and my love for tacos has grown. Like real tacos, not that stuff out of a seasoning mix. come on. Basically it is the best thing. and Homemade tortillas. SO GOOD.
Rosario is an investigator that the Elders handed off to us and she read and she came to Church! We having been trying to get her to read for like 2 weeks and she did! Seriously prayers are answered! She said that understands why we have been asking her to do it now and she really wants to turn her life around and better follow Jesucristo! She is kinda on date for the 13th of February if she can get work off next Sunday. So that's wonderful! 
Aldo couldn't come to church this week because he was on the phone with his family in Mexico, but he is really excited to be baptized this week! He is moving to California for 8 months in Feb though, so that's really sad, but he wants to keep going to church there too and he is already excited to go to the temple. He just gets it! He is wonderful and is like the best brother! I'm so happy to see him change and to understand. He just takes everything in and he keeps telling us he knows this is the path Gad wants him to take. He just gets it!
On Wednesday we had a Worldwide missionary broadcast for all full-time missionaries. That was fantastic! Teaching with the spirit is so important. We, ourselves, can't do anything. We can the conduit that the spirit works through to help the investigators.
We referred Santiago over to the English Elders and they met with him Friday, but I'm not sure how the lesson went. Keep praying for him to understand that this is the only true church! He said he knows it is a true church, but not the only. He's getting there.
Thursday I went on exchanges with Sister Christensen from Springville and we figured out we fly home together! We taught 3 less active sisters that day and it's crazy how everyone just needs to know they have a father in heaven who loves them! His love is so real! He is just waiting to help you. 2 nephi 1:15? His hugs are the best kind of hugs.
If any of you can get your hands on the DVD Our Heavenly Father's plan, do it, and watch it! 80's wonderfulness. Hermana Wade and I were laughing so hard we were crying.
Thanks for all the love and support. You are fantastic and Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you!

Hermana Lizzy Davis
Washington Kennewick Mission

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